Indonesia is the world's largest archipelago. It is comprises 17,508 islands thath stretch across the equator. There are 5 mine islands and 30 smaller archipelagoes. The main islands in order of size are Kalimantan, Sumatra, Papua, Sulawesi and Java. The most populated island in Indonesia is Java.
Indonesia is the most volcanic country on earth with 128 volcanoes, and has a dry season and rainy season.

Most of the country mountainous with a number of unique species of animal and plant that are found nowhere eise in the world. An extensive assortment of tropical and sub-tropical fruit and vegetables can also be found year-round to tantalize your taste buds.
Indonesia is one of the most recommended surfing destinations in the world. Exotic white-sand beaches reach towards warm tropical seas teeming with coral and a marvelous variety of marine life in some of the most colorful, breathtaking sea gardens in the world.
More than 480 etnic groups display a rich variety of customs, religions, languages (approximately 583) and dialects.
assalamualaikum. ya begitulah indonesia
BalasHapussebenarnya indonesia kita itu indah....
BalasHapusHmmm.. That is Indonesia.. Unique Place and Beatiful...