Pesantren or Pondok Pesantren are Islamic boarding schools. Pesantren aim to deepen knowledge of the Al-Qur’an, Hadits, Islamic theology, Islamic law, particularly through the study of Arabic. Pesantren educate students (santri) for morality.
Pesantren curriculum has four components:
1. Government recognized curricula,
2. Ngaji (traditional religious education),
3. Skills training,
4. Character development.
Here are some great Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) in Indonesia:
1. Pondok Pesantren Musthafawiyah Purba, Mandailing Natal, North Sumatera.
2. Pondok Pesantren Raudhatul Hasanah Medan
3. Al Baqiyatush Shalihat, Kuala Tungkal-Jambi.
4. Pondok Pesantren Darunnajah, Ulujami, Jakarta.
5. Pondok Pesantren Daar El-Qolam, Jayanti, Tangerang, Banten.
6. The Modern Boarding School Of Islam Assalaam, Sukoharjo, Surakarta, Central Java.
7. Pondok Pesantren Langitan, Widang, Tuban, East Java.
8. Pondok Pesantren Al Ihya Ulumaddin, Kesugihan, Cilacap.
9. Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Gontor, East Java.
10. Pondok Pesantren Al-Amien Prenduan, Sumenep, East Java.
11. Pondok Pwsantren An-Nuqayah Guluk-guluk, Sumenep, Madura.
12 Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Martapura,Banjar, South Kalimantan.
13. Pondok Pesantren Al Khairaat, Palu, Central Sulawesi.
You can visit over 17,500 islands in Indonesia. It’s time to see the diversity and beauty of Indonesia
Visit and Tour to Komodo Island - Indonesia

Komodo is the biggest lizard in this world. An adult komodo is huge, it can grow to be 3 meters high with approximately 70 kgs in weight, but it is not as fierce as many people thought. Komodo dragons do not pursue their preys actively or show vicious streak in their coup de grace.
Komodo National Park in Komodo Island was founded as a conservation for komodo. Six years after the establishment in 1980, UNESCO declared this park as a World Heritage Site and a Man and Biosphere Reserve.
Komodo National Park consists of three main islands, i.e. Komodo, Rinca, and Padar. This park is also the home for at least 1,000 species of fish, hundreds of species of reef-building, coral, and 70 types of sponges. You can also find sharks, manta rays, whales, dolphins, sea turtles, and dugongs in this park.
Visiting this Island
You can visit Komodo Island. You go to Lombok or Flores island first, then embark on a boat/ship to this island.
You can also go there by daily flights from: Bali - Labuan Bajo/Komodo Airport - Bali.Don’t worry about the motel or hotel. You'll get it there. You can also plan to stay in Bali, and spend a whole day for visiting Komodo Island. Restaurants and small cafes are also available on this island.
Other Things to Do
See komodo, marvel at the diversity of the plants and animals, swim on the pristine beaches, visit a traditional village.
The Coolest Pedicab Made in Tapanuli - Indonesia
Let a moment to look at the traditional transport in Tapanuli. Here are some images of pedicabs with a variety of forms made in Tapanuli. Pedicab or rickshaw called as "becak" in Indonesia.
Tapanuli has made pedicabs (becak) powered by engine since tens of years ago. And maybe at the beginning of making this pedicabs you still in your mother womb... :D :D :D.
Tapanuli has made pedicabs (becak) powered by engine since tens of years ago. And maybe at the beginning of making this pedicabs you still in your mother womb... :D :D :D.
The Beautiful Panorama of Brastagi - North Sumatra
Indonesian Policeman Dancing to Hindi Song
Norman Kamari is a member of Gorontalo Police Mobile Brigade. He sudden fame after his lypsinc Indian song titled “Chaiyya-chaiyya”. Because the action was very hilarious, He had received offers to appear on television shows, such as: "Bukan Empat Mata" with famous comedian Tukul Arwana and "Opera Van Java (OVJ)" with Sule, Parto, Nunung and Aziz.
So, just watch this video. I hope it make you happy :)
So, just watch this video. I hope it make you happy :)
Provinces of Indonesia
Province And Capital
1. Aceh : Banda Aceh
2. Bali : Denpasar
3. Bangka-Belitung : Pangkal Pinang
4. Banten : Serang
5. Bengkulu : Bengkulu
6. Central Java : Semarang
7. Central Kalimantan : Palangkaraya
8. Central Sulawesi : Palu
9. East Java : Surabaya
10. East Kalimantan : Samarinda
11. East Nusa Tenggara : Kupang
12. Gorontalo : Gorontalo
13. Jakarta Special Capital Region : Jakarta
14. Jambi : Jambi
15. Lampung : Bandar Lampung
16. Maluku (Moluccas) : Ambon
17. North Maluku (N.Moluccas) : Sofif
18. North Sulawesi : Manado
19. North Sumatra : Medan
20. Papua : Jayapura
21. Riau : Pekanbaru
22. Riau Islands : Tanjung Pinang
23. South East Sulawesi : Kendari
24. South Kalimantan : Banjarmasin
25. South Sulawesi : Makassar
26. South Sumatra : Palembang
27. West Java : Bandung
28. West Kalimantan : Pontianak
29. West Nusa Tenggara : Mataram
30. West Papua : Manokwari
31. West Sulawesi : Mamuju
32. West Sumatra : Padang
33. Special Region of Yogyakarta : Yogyakarta
Marga and Culture in Batak Ethnic

Everyone in Batak societies has a family name called by Marga.
Batak marga are patrilineal. Marriage in the same Marga is strictly forbidden by tribal law (adat) even between people only distantly related; but it is allowed and often even arranged between cousins of the maternal line (boru). After marriage, Batak women do not change their family (marga) name, but add "boru" to their birth name.
In Batak Toba mythology, Marga are traced to the common ancestor "Si Raja Batak" (The King of the Batak). In Karo mythology, the five Marga (Merga Silima) are defined in terms of matrimonial bonds, with no importance placed on a common ancestor myth. Simalungun have four basic marga, each seen as equal, and likewise with no common ancestor myth.
As for Batak Marga names in alphabetical order are as follows:
1. Ajartambun
2. Akarbejadi
3. Ambarita
4. Angkat
5. Aretha
6. Aritonang
7. Aruan
8. Bako
9. Banjarnahor
10. Banuarea
11. Barasa
12. Bagariang
13. Bakkara
14. Bangun
15. Barus
16. Barutu
17. Batubara
18. Butarbutar
19. Bukit
20. Brahmana
21. Bancin
22. Boliala Buaton
23. Capah
24. Cibro
25. Dalimunthe
26. Debataraja
27. Daulay
28. Doloksaribu
29. Depari
30. Damanik
31. Ginting
32. Girsang
33. Gurning
34. Gurusinga
35. Gajah
36. Harianja
37. Harahap
38. Hasibuan
39. Hasugian
40. Hotmatua
41. Hutabarat
42. Hutagaol
43. Hutahaean
44. Hutajulu
45. Hutasoit
46. Hutapea
47. Hutasuhut
48. Hutauruk
49. Hutagalung
50. Kaban
51. Kacaribu
52. Kacinambun
53. Karokaro
54. Kasilan
55. Keloko
56. Kembaren
57. Ketaren
58. Kudadiri
59. Karo
60. Karosekali
61. Kombara
62. Limbong
63. Lingga
64. Lubis
65. Lumbanbatu
66. Lumbangaol
67. Lumbannahor
68. Lumbanpea
69. Lumbanraja
70. Lumbansiantar
71. Lumban
72. Lumbantoruan
73. Lumbantobing
74. Lumbantungkup
75. Malau
76. Manalu
77. Manik
78. Manullang
79. Manurung
80. Marbun
81. Marpaung
82. Matondang
83. Meliala
84. Munthe
85. Manihuruk
86. Maringga
87. Nababan
88. Nadapdap
89. Nadeak
90. Naibaho
91. Naiborhu
92. Nainggolan
93. Naipospos
94. Napitu
95. Napitupulu
96. Nasution
97. Padang
98. Pakpahan
99. Pandia
100. Pandiangan
101. Pane
102. Pangaribuan
103. Panggabean
104. Panjaitan
105. Parapat
106. Pardede
107. Pardomuan
108. Pardosi
109. Pasaribu
110. Perangin-angin
111. Pinem
112. Pohan
113. Pulungan
114. Purba
115. Rambe
116. Rajagukguk
117. Rangkuti
118. Ritonga
119. Rumahorbo
120. Rumapea
121. Rumasingap
122. Rumasondi
123. Sagala
124. Saing
125. Samosir
126. Saragi
127. Saruksuk
128. Sarumpaet
129. Sembiring
130. Siadari
131. Siagian
132. Siahaan
133. Siallagan
134. Siambaton
135. Sianipar
136. Sianturi
137. Sibabiat
138. Sibagariang
139. Sibangebange
140. Sibarani
141. Sibayang
142. Sibero
143. Siboro
144. Siburian
145. Sibuea
146. Sibutarbutar
147. Sidabalok
148. Sidabutar
149. Sidabungke
150. Sidahapintu
151. Sidauruk
152. Sigalingging
153. Sihaloho
154. Sihite
155. Sihombing
156. Sihotang
157. Sijabat
158. Silaban
159. Silaen
160. Silalahi
161. Silitonga
162. SinaBang
163. Simalango
164. Simamora
165. Simandalahi
166. Simangunsong
167. Simanjorang
168. Simanjuntak
169. Simanungkalit
170. Simaremare
171. Simargolang
172. Simarmata
173. Simatupang
174. Simbolon
175. Simorangkir
176. Sinabariba
177. Sinaga
178. Sinambela
179. Singarimbun
180. Sinuhaji
181. Sinulingga
182. Sinukaban
183. Sinukapar
184. Sinupayung
185. Sinurat
186. Sipahutar
187. Sipayung
188. Sirait
189. Siregar
190. Siringo-ringo
191. Sitanggang
192. Sitepu
193. Sitindaon
194. Sitinjak
195. Sitohang
196. Sitompul
197. Sitorus
198. Situmeang
199. Situmorang
200. Situngkir
201. Solia
202. Solin
203. Sormin
204. Sukatendal
205. Surbakti
206. Sinuraya
207. Silitonga
208. Tamba
209. Tambun
210. Tambunan
211. Tampubolon
212. Tarigan
213. Tarihoran
214. Tinambunan
215. Tindaon
216. Tinendung
217. Tobing
218. Togatorop
219. Togar
220. Torong
221. Tumangger
222. Tumanggor
223. Turnip
224. Turutan
225. Tigalingga
226. Ujung
Reference: Wikipedia
Tortor Dance From Tapanuli
One of the traditional dances in Indonesia is Tortor Dance of the Batak people of Tapanuli - North Sumatra.
Tortor Dance played by traditional musical instruments such as gondang, Batak traditional trumpet, flute, and others.
According to the history, Tortor Dance played in rituals associated with spirits, where the spirits are invited and enter into the stone statues, then the statue was moved like dancing but his movements stiff.
Types of Tortor Dance also vary, there is the so-called Tortor Pangurason which means dance cleaning. This dance held at a large party before the party began, whichever the location of the party cleaned by using lime to far from danger.
There are also Tortor Sipitu Cawan, which means Dance of the seven bowls. As usually this dance held during the inauguration of a king.
Then Tortor Single Panaluan is a cultural ritual, usually held if a disaster-stricken village.
Tortor today for the Batak society became an art and no longer just assumed with the spirit world.
Want to watch Tortor Dance? Come to the land of Batak in Tapanuli…!
Or... just whatch this video:
Tortor Dance played by traditional musical instruments such as gondang, Batak traditional trumpet, flute, and others.
According to the history, Tortor Dance played in rituals associated with spirits, where the spirits are invited and enter into the stone statues, then the statue was moved like dancing but his movements stiff.
Types of Tortor Dance also vary, there is the so-called Tortor Pangurason which means dance cleaning. This dance held at a large party before the party began, whichever the location of the party cleaned by using lime to far from danger.
There are also Tortor Sipitu Cawan, which means Dance of the seven bowls. As usually this dance held during the inauguration of a king.
Then Tortor Single Panaluan is a cultural ritual, usually held if a disaster-stricken village.
Tortor today for the Batak society became an art and no longer just assumed with the spirit world.
Want to watch Tortor Dance? Come to the land of Batak in Tapanuli…!
Or... just whatch this video:
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